Thanksgiving 2.0

Man, a lot has happened over the past year and a half! I think this Thanksgiving is going to be a special one, or at least I am going to try and make it that. I look around and although things aren’t quite the same, comparing things to how they once were is a bit of a dangerous game to play. I was closing the store two nights ago and the most beautiful cotton candy sunset was painted in the sky and from the full glass windowed wall that encloses Venta Furnishings, I was taken aback by the beautiful colors and the majestic scene before me. I couldn’t help but think I have so much to be grateful and thankful for this year. I cannot wait to have my family over, laugh, drink some wine, play some games, but mostly just to be. To be present, patient, forgiving, kind and grateful for all that I have. Life is far from perfect, even for the Jeff Bezos of the world, but then again, no amount of riches will bring you peace; no, only a grateful and satisfied heart can bring you that. I wish for everyone this Thanksgiving, to take a few minutes and just stop; look around and truly drink it in. I hope we all get a chance to quiet our minds and our hearts, let the sounds of the children laughing ring through our ears, the sizzling of the turkey make its way across the room, the smell of the pumpkin pie sneak in our noses, the warm spicy taste of the wine run through our taste buds, the bickering of family chatter at the table about God knows what echo in the next room. Just, take it all in, in its imperfectly perfect glory and be… thankful for it all. We all now know what it’s like to have something disrupt our entire way of being and that this life is short, fleeting, and these moments, around a Thanksgiving table with your crazy Tio Ben and Tia Maribelle, your brother you’ve had a quarrel with or your teenager you aren’t connecting that much with anymore; are still moments to cherish. No matter what others are saying or doing, let’s try to make this Thanksgiving, the best yet. 



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